purpose-driven companies from around the world.
LIGHT CoCreative is a global innovation consulting firm focused on accelerating sustainable energy.
We curate leading tools, technology, process innovation, industry experts and diverse talent to increase the efficacy of any project.
Our superpowers are deep research, experience design, digital art, rapid-prototyping, strategic marketing, win-win partnerships and limitless cocreativity.
LIGHT CoCreative amplifies the Quality, Vision and Speed of our partners.
What's In Your Water?
Core Capabilities
Market Vision - Illuminate new geographies, customer segments and product categories.
We work closely with leaders to clarify market opportunities, understand customers and gain visibility to trends that are shaping industries.
Are you looking to get clarity and validate a new opportunity? Partner with LIGHT to enhance your strategic vision for tomorrow and beyond.
Venture Architecture - Generate bold ideas, architect a new business, build dynamic tech-enabled teams and codevelop any product or service that you can imagine.
We bring a mix of strategic investors, digital tools, industry experts and diverse talent to accelerate and increase the efficacy of any venture. Our proprietary company building process and best practices can take any idea from the whiteboard to a retail floor or app store in less than 3 months.
Do you have a big idea? We are ready to help architect, build and accelerate any purpose-driven venture that you can imagine.
Strategic Marketing - Activate original creative content, brand experiences and growth opportunities that will amplify any purpose-driven venture.
We provide world-class creative services to help reach new customers and engage any audience. Our creative content and narratives always come back to our purpose-driven DNA and brand voice. We are passionate about amplifying the reach of heroes who are changing the world and expanding the reach of impactful projects.
Do you have a product, service or program that you are looking to grow? We can quickly help you reach and engage thousands of customers.
Ecosystem Development - Build bridges, engage networks and unlock the power of collaboration.
This is core to our mission and vision for a more virtuous private sector. In order to grow and accelerate impactful projects, we have refined a proprietary process for Ecosystem Development.
This involves thoughtful win-win visioning, business development best practices and high-touch executive outreach with results far beyond automated lead generation systems. We take great pride in our trusted professional network with millions of first and second degree connections that help to cultivate authentic relationships across our network.
Who is your dream strategic partner? We can help you connect and make a truly game changing partnership happen.